Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Downtown Holiday Jacket and Pant GIVEAWAY!!!!

Downtown Holiday Jacket and Pant GIVEAWAY!!!!
Such a cute little jacket and pants. I want to make one for Jocelynne now.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thanksgiving Decorating!

This wreath I made in honor of Jay's 1st Pheasant Hunt.
The lantern was 1.25 bargain find as well as the old box, thanks to a dear friend. :)

I was listening to a talk show on "ways to cut costs during the holidays" I always love to get ideas and tips. So here are just a few I took note of:

1. Use Candlelight

2. Decorate only three focal points of your home: Front door, Mantle (or stairway) & Dinner Table.

Harvest Party!

Well, I couldn't get Jocelynne in her costume. It was a little big, so maybe we will use it for next year. We had fun at the harvest party hosted by Tim & Marla E.

A fun hayride for everyone! Jocelynne especially like it and kept asking for "trator"
A cozy place by the fire and lots of goodies to eat!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Our SD Trip

Visiting my sisters.
Jocelynne loved playing on the tractor at my Aunt Barb's.

Taking a wagon ride with Grandma.

Playing with Grandpa.

Fun with 2nd cousins and Joseph & Jesse.

Jay went Pheasant Hunting.

Almost forgot...

After, we had some of the most delicious, creamy Country Mercantile Ice Cream. mmmmmmmm.

Fun at the Pumpkin Patch

Well, this got uploaded wrong, but this was taken after we got home from the pumpkin patch.
Look mom, I found some corn!

Running between the rows of corn stalks.

We found the perfect pumpkin!