Thursday, July 7, 2016


Its that time of year when school is almost done, but not quite. End of the school year activities, the smell of fresh cut grass, longer days and evenings by the fire pit. I don't know about you, but I am ready for summer to be here! 

 Happy 8 months Jaron! Your smile brings everyone joy!

This sweet girl turned 5! Wow, how can that be?
Oh, spice things up, you are all in whatever you are doing and you have such a great imagination!  We love your hugs and kisses! We had so much fun celebrating you and Grandma! You are both amazing blessings!!!
I love this picture of my mother in law.  She has such a positive out look on life and a beautiful smile! She also has MS, but I have never heard her once complain about it. Thank you Lord for this amazing woman and the blessing she is to all of us! My kids are so blessed to have her as their grandma!

Jay was getting ready for his trip to Africa, but he took this curious boy on a little adventure hike. I love seeing the pictures they bring back.
 We were invited to this little cuties house. Isn't she a doll? She showed us around the farm.

 We helped feed the bucket calves! What fun!
 The kids also had fun in a big tractor tire and a pile of rocks.
 We also got to visit the chickens.

 Some fun at the park before Jay left on his trip to Africa.

Most of my pictures are highlights from this past month, usually that is what we all want to remember...the good times. While I do want to remember the good and fun times, there are days and moments that have been so hard for me these past few months. I prayed, clung to Jesus and had so much support from dear friends. I recently found this picture while thrifting. It immediately jumped out at me and I snatched it up. It was a gentle reminder to me that I can choose to find JOY in this journey of motherhood, that HE is my joy! At first when I counted the little birds on the line, I paused. Although I have four little ones in my care, and often get overwhelmed in that. He is taking care of my fifth. Thank you Father for this sweet reminder.