Last year we took a mini-vacation with the Erlenmeyer family to the Oregon coast. It was fun, but traveling with kids can be tiring. So this year we decided to go without kids.

We did a little eating out at some great seafood resturants. Tidal Raves Seafood Grill was my favorite!

We toured the Yakina Head lighthouse. This picture does not do it justice.

And of course we spent a lot of time at the beach....exploring tide pools with all sorts of amazing creatures....

....watching the sunset as the tide was coming in...

....and last but not least, spending some much needed time together.

It was refreshing, relaxing and so much fun! But we were very excited to come home and see our little girl.

This picture was taken by Michele Jansen. She is so good at capturing those timeless expressions in her photography. You can see more of her work at:
Maria..you are a hottie in these pics! I am so glad that you enjoyed your time away with your hubby.
Looks like a fun time. Aren't weekends away wonderful?!
I am so glad you enjoyed some time away as a couple! Jocelynne's sweet spirit was such a treat and I loved watching her and Willem play.
Looks like you saw some cool sights and ate some yummy food!
Ohhh what fun, and without kids too! Wow I need a vacation like that. I am so glad you had such a good time. Great pictures too!
Wow! Look how rested and relaxed we look without kids-sure was fun-can't wait till next year!
looks like you guys had lots of fun. I like the pictures and you and Jay look really good!
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