Monday, June 29, 2020


This is a word that has been coming to mind frequently in the last week. Once it was woven into the day to day fabric of life, bumping into a friend at the store, visiting with someone who has lived life much longer than I have after church, having friends over and hearing about life as it is for them, talking to a para at school.

I have missed this.
Now, it seems more calculated. Planned. Vulnerable. It has made me crave it all the more.

 Long walks and talks bring perspective. Appreciation for the beauty all around us.

God's word brings perspective to my soul.  Reading good books brings perspective.

Those who have gone before us bring perspective.

Saying goodbye to friends from far away lands brings perspective.

So I keep pressing into those things, because perspective cultivates so much more in life!

Going to church as a family for the first time in months was so good.
 I was challenged in new ways and gained more perspective.
 I want to share this with my children. I want them to see me stopping to talk to the new neighbors, asking the gal at the store how she is doing, asking the hard questions, being willing to listen.

I am eternally grateful that God brings just the right person or circumstance along to remind me of what truly matters in life. HE IS GOOD.

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