Tuesday, April 23, 2013

50 Days....to count my blessings.

1# hearing my little boy coo and babble when he woke up this morning.

2#hearing, "I love you mom." from my sweet 6 yr old as she headed off to her class.

3#hearing Emily say Bye to her from the back seat.

4# thank you Lord, for the gift of hearing.

5# my little one cupping her hands to whisper a secret in my ear.

6# beautiful sunny weather

7# taking a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood.

8# the smell of fresh blossoms

9# a library close by

10#reading fun new books

11#long summer nights

12# the smell of fresh cut grass

13# the birds singing

14# my little boys smile when he sees his daddy.

15# spring blooming in our front yard...

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