Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Not so Traditional December

This Christmas will be different. It has made me realize more about myself. Why do I value traditions, especially when it comes to my children?
Being an mk I've learned to be flexible, to take change as it comes and although there is much adventure and sometimes fun, it does get old. You long for stability and a sense of normal that tradition brings.
 The traditions that surround Christmas are etched in my mind. Even though we could not celebrate every year with Grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins, we knew they were still getting together. They were having crown loaf, they were exchanging gifts, they were getting live trees and decorating them, our stockings were still hanging on the mantel, they were enjoying some of grandma's chocolates.
This year we will celebrate Christmas by the ocean with my family. In some ways it will hold tradition, from years in Brazil and spending time on the beach during holidays. For my kids it hold adventure and new memories made with their cousins....and thats ok. We will still be together with ones that we love. We will still read the most important story of all. Jesus, he is the reason we celebrate.

Giving Thanks in November...

For my hard working husband, who provides so well for our family.
For my dad who spends time playing with my kids.
Jaron has a special bond with his grampa.
For this boy, his energy and laughs.
For my mom and her all her help with the kids homework and dishes when she is here.
For the beautiful color of orange...reminding me of fall.
For pumpkins.
For cousins to laugh and play with.
For fun memories, sledding.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


I've been falling behind on my posts. Jaron keeps us on our toes. He is now walking and climbing and getting into anything and everything!
 We started building our shed.

 We took a family day and went to Vantage. It was beautiful out!
 A hike with cousins at the Ginkgo Petrified Forest.
 The colors in the petrified wood were amazing.

 Jaron was a trooper.
These two make me laugh!
 The vibrant colors of fall are my favorite.

 Nathaniel turned 4.
 We had some fun and took him to look at all the machinery at the implement.

 We celebrated with a few of his friends too.
 The harvest party at our friends the Erlenmeyers is always a hit.
 Hay rides..

 ...and the church harvest party was fun as well. Even if we did end up with WAY to much candy.


 Soaking up the last days of summer.
 Finding bugs.
 Enjoying time at the park.

 The first day of preschool for this big guy!
 This little guy turned 1!

 We also enjoyed apple picking.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

After school snack...

This time of year is probably the end of watermelon season. During the summer it seemed like whenever we bought a watermelon ...we always had a lot leftover. So, I ended up freezing the rest in hopes to add it smoothies. The kids didn't really care for the watermelon taste. 
Instead, I tried this watermelon sorbet recipe:
1 - 1 1/2 cups of water
1 cup of frozen strawberries
Fill the rest of the blender with cut up frozen watermelon
                                     Blend until it has a sorbet texture.
 I think it was a hit!

Friday, September 9, 2016

....Not just a table.

 This summer we finally got a new that would fit us a little better. It was bittersweet saying goodbye to that little table. I had to take one last picture of it before we passed it along to someone else who could use it.
 I wanted to share my appreciation for this table with the family who gave us this sweet table.
Because they didn't give us just a was a place where we shared so many memories. Where we celebrated birthdays...where we made gingerbread houses with friends...

Made cookies...celebrated Father's Day!

A place where we gathered with friends to share life...and there always seemed to be room for one more chair. 

I wish I could find more of the pictures of times shared around this table, maybe I will add them later. For now, I just want to share our gratitude for such a special gift.